Manchester NH New Construction

Consider Your Options before You Build In Manchester NH

Building a new home in Manchester, New Hampshire, is a huge investment in both time and money. However, one of the main benefits of new construction is that you can design a home that is built exactly to your specifications. You can choose both the perfect location and the style or combination of styles of the home that you desire.

While building a new home can seem like a daunting endeavor, working with a seasoned real estate professional can help make the process easier. Moe Archambault can help you with the purchase of land and will work with you to find a reputable home builder for your Manchester NH new construction project.

The very first thing you want to do is plan out a budget. You should be thinking about what you can afford to spend and how to negotiate the best construction loan. Again, Moe can help you find a mortgage professional to help with this process.

As you have probably heard time and again, location is the single-most important consideration in building your new home. Depending on the stage of your life, a young family’s needs will be different than a couple entering their retirement years. Deciding upon a school district, a rural versus urban location and proximity to local amenities are all important variables to consider. What will the view be like? If the land surrounding your new home is undeveloped, you’ll need to find out what the plans are for the other land lots. Your home builder should be knowledgeable of important aspects like drainage, zoning laws, building regulations, and soil conditions.

There are a multitude of building plans available to accommodate a variety of tastes and preferences. Deciding on a home style and general layout is an important first step. Think about the style and size of the home you want. One thing to take into consideration early on is the style of home you would like. For example, do you want to build a ranch style, contemporary home, a Garrison or a completely custom style? You’ll also need to decide how many square feet you want, how many bedrooms and bathrooms, the size of each room, and any additions you would like such as a media room, great room or an attached garage.

It is often a good idea to involve an experienced architect early in the home building process. Various building sites require special types of permits such as waterfront locations, for example. A seasoned architect can also suggest modifications to designs as some elements might not work the way you are envisioning them. Your architect may also provide 3D layout of your plan so you can more easily visualize the end result. Remember, it’s more cost effective to make changes to a 3D plan before the actual blueprints are created.

Be sure to contact Moe Archambault early when planning a new construction project. As a New Hampshire native, Moe understands the challenges of building a new home in Manchester and in southern NH, and can help you with the multitude of decisions you’ll face each step of the way.